Pizza Nova has kicked off its third season as the Official Pizza of the Toronto Blue Jays by picking up third-baseman Josh Donaldson."We are thrilled to have a player like Josh Donaldson represent our brand, on and off the field," said Pizza Nova President Domenic Primucci. "Josh exemplifies all the qualities of an exceptional athlete, teammate and individual."
Also read, Savor the Sweet Taste of Spring at the 2016. "I am honored to be part of the Pizza Nova family," said Donaldson. "When this opportunity came up, I was truly humbled because I know what it means to be associated with the Pizza Nova brand." Donaldson hit 41 home runs in the 2015 season, and was instrumental in the team's run to the American League Championship Series. He was named the American League's MVP for his 2015 performance. The Toronto Blue Jays will play their next series at the Rogers Centre, starting tonight at 7:07pm. SOURCE Pizza Nova
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