Regulators Greenlight Pink Packets, Approve Saccharin for Distribution in Stores and Restaurants6/9/2016 The familiar pink packet that has long been a staple at virtually every restaurant and grocery store in the United States is now available throughout Canada. Basing its decision on scientific studies that reveal no safety concerns related to saccharin, Health Canada recently announced that saccharin has been listed as an approved food additive in table-top sweeteners. Image: Calorie Control Council PRNewsFoto/Calorie Control Council. The familiar pink packet that has long been a staple at virtually every restaurant and grocery store in the United States is now available throughout Canada. Basing its decision on scientific studies that reveal no safety concerns related to saccharin, Health Canada recently announced that saccharin has been listed as an approved food additive in table-top sweeteners.
Also read, An outstanding maple syrup harvest with historic per-tap yields. The lifted restrictions on saccharin now grant consumers unlimited access to the calorie-free sweetener – clearing the way for healthier eating habits and giving Canadians with dietary restrictions (such as people with diabetes) more options. The approval of saccharin for use in tabletop applications supports the safety of the sweetener, which has been reaffirmed by more than 100 countries around the world as well as the World Health Organization. The move comes roughly two years after Canadian health officials approved the use of saccharin, calcium saccharin, potassium saccharin and sodium saccharin to be used as an ingredient in various foods and beverages. Unlike the previous government action, the most recent one is far more sweeping and would allow for saccharin to be sold directly to consumers in grocery stores or distributed on restaurant tabletops. "This development comes as welcome news for consumers hoping to reduce their sugar intake," said Robert Rankin, President of the Calorie Control Council. "Health Canada's proposal aligns with regulation around the world and further supports the notion that low-calorie sweeteners are safe and can be used as part of a healthier lifestyle." Source Calorie Control Council
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